The use of one or the other will depend on the communication plan designed. relevant communication management tools. Institutional publications Institutional publications are a kind of internal magazine that is responsible for informing and uniting staff . In this they write about different areas in order to produce comprehensive communication. That is, communicate at all levels of the company. You can make these publications as chronicles, press releases or with the format and style that best suits what you want to convey.
Letter to staff The letter to staff is a great tool thanks to its brevity and readability . The main objective is to transmit or disseminate important news such as business results, changes in the organization's structure, etc. It can be sent by email Chinese Overseas Europe Number Data or in physical form . Welcome Letter The welcome letter is essential when a new employee joins our company. The main objective is for the worker to have the necessary information about the organization he has just joined.
It should contain data such as the organization chart, members, and the most important points that can help you in the adaptation process. style books These style guides are essential to publicize institutional processes . They must contain historical, technical and information about the organization itself. This will be of great help to organize procedures and avoid confusion on a day-to-day basis.